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I have a youtube channel where you can see many of these in realtime, but I have created a section w...
At this point I'm sure if you're an active reader on this blog, or just a EDgun Leshiy connoisseur, ...
As an admin of both the EDgun Leshiy website and the Leshiy Owners Group I see a tone of questions o...
It’s not easy to fully describe the EdGun Leshiy in just a few small words, but if I had to try, I’d...
EdGun Stalker 6 - The Game Changer I'm a big enthusiast of EdGun Leshiy, which is in my opinion the ...
Let’s start from the basics – what is the regulator pressure tester? I know most of you know but may...
The Leshiy is crazy compact, and delivers the hits. With that though, comes some draw backs... smal...
I really got (back) into air-gunning as a result of my yard being taken over by rats and chipmunks! ...
I've been holding off on having the courtyard patio fixed until I'm confident I have the rat and chi...